International Mobility Program


Facilitating Academic Mobility and Collaboration in Canada

Canada recognizes the importance of academic exchanges and the mobility of scholars in fostering global collaboration and enriching the educational landscape. Some foreign academics, including guest lecturers, visiting professors, and teachers, can obtain work permits without the need for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This exemption supports the temporary engagement of international academics in Canadian educational institutions, allowing them to contribute their expertise while benefiting from similar opportunities for Canadians abroad.

Understanding the Academic Exemption

This academic exemption is designed for foreign nationals involved in specific academic roles that contribute to Canada’s educational institutions on a temporary basis.

Eligibility Criteria for Academics

To qualify under the academic exemption, the following categories are included:

  • Guest Lecturers: Guest lecturers are invited by post-secondary institutions to deliver a series of lectures. These positions are temporary and non-continuing, typically lasting for less than one academic term or semester. The lectures do not constitute a complete academic course.
  • Visiting Professors: Visiting professors are academics who take temporary positions at Canadian post-secondary institutions for a period of not more than two academic years. They typically retain their positions abroad and may also include those on sabbatical engaging in collaborative research with Canadian institutions.
  • Elementary and Secondary Teachers: Teachers from elementary and secondary levels who are part of reciprocal exchange agreements between foreign educational authorities and Canadian provincial or territorial governments or school boards can obtain work permits under this category. This includes pre-school, elementary, and secondary school teachers, particularly those involved in recognized agreements such as the Reciprocal Exchange Agreement between New Zealand and Ontario.

How Our Immigration Lawyers Can Assist

Navigating the academic exemption involves understanding the specific roles and agreements that qualify. Our immigration lawyers offer tailored guidance to academic institutions and foreign academics to ensure smooth application processes. We assist with:

  • Determining Eligibility: We help assess whether the academic role qualifies under the exemption, ensuring all criteria are met, including the temporary nature of the position and the existence of any relevant reciprocal agreements.
  • Document Preparation and Submission: Our team helps prepare all necessary documentation, such as invitations from Canadian institutions, proof of employment abroad, and details of the academic role, ensuring a strong application.
  • Ongoing Compliance Support: We provide continued support to ensure that both the Canadian institution and the foreign academic comply with all immigration regulations throughout the duration of their stay.

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